About Us

Cotter and Noson Consulting Services has been providing training, education and consulting in Alaska since 2005.


Paul Cotter, Principal

Paul Cotter, Principal

Paul Cotter, Principal

Paul believes in a “hands-on, brains-on” approach to technical training and building performance testing. He specializes in building diagnostics, energy retrofitting, pressure/moisture dynamics, curriculum development, and training diverse audiences. He is a certified thermographer, a testing agent for the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, and an approved training vendor for Alaska Housing Finance Corporation. He has worked in all Alaska climate zones, and as a former energy retrofitting and weatherization contractor, he understands the needs and demands of those working in the field.

Sharon Buck, Lackey

Sharon Loy, Technical Consultant

Sharon Loy, Technical Consultant

Although no longer an employee, Sharon still provides brain power to CANCS in many forms to ensure quality in CANCS operations. Sharon holds a Master’s Degree from the University of Alaska Fairbanks.

Consulting Associates

Marquam George

Marquam George

Marquam George

Marquam is a pioneer of Alaska building science and a guru of maritime construction. As long-time resident of Southeast Alaska, he has been an innovative contractor, trainer, university professor, building science researcher, and energy rater for over 30 years. He has served on many state and national technical advisory committees, given hundreds of technical presentations, and was building high performance buildings before it was cool. Whether its ventilation, building forensics and diagnostics, innovative construction techniques, performance testing, indoor air quality, codes, or policy, Marquam has the credentials.

Phil Kaluza

Phil Kaluza

Phil Kaluza

Phil is an ambassador of Alaska residential energy efficiency programs in private and public sectors. He is an expert in energy use monitoring, weatherization, ventilation, indoor air quality, technical training, and solving global problems in one sentence. He has been a technical advisor to many Alaska energy programs, helped develop the Alaska Building Energy Efficiency Standard (BEES) and AkWarm energy rating software, has trained thousands of building professionals, and was one of the first Alaska energy raters. Phil has developed and implemented efficiency, indoor air quality, and ventilation improvement plans in residential and public housing throughout Alaska.